Ho’oponopono Harmonising Virtual Circle


Ho'oponopono Harmonising Virtual Circle

Time : 8:00 PM to 10pm

Cost : £ 40.00



Ho'oponopono Harmonising Virtual Circle is a chance to sit in a circle (virtually)for those who have already completed the one-day introductory training.

HHC helps to create a vortex of energy, in an amplified container which can cause huge shifts and transformations. It is a container that can transform dissonant energy into resonant energy to bring clarity. HHC is about moving away from old patterns of resistance by clearing the memories that are holding you back and moving to a new point of attraction – a vortex of creation. The circle helps you to practice staying present, congruent, connected, and authentic. You feel a deeper presence, connectedness and clarity and learn to take notes when your heart speaks. You then take this practice out in the world. It’s about raising your vibrational state so that you experience joy, more and more often. It’s about becoming ‘Peace of I’ and moving from chatter to focused creating. It is a chance to clear blocks, sabotages and shift your vibrational alignment and point of attraction. The energy of a group of people doing the work simultaneously amplifies the effect.


Albert Einstein said that " The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results".


Please set up fifteen minutes before the start to iron out any technical faults. it is more desirable to use a computer as this allows you to be hands-free and allows for a better experience.

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