This workshop will give you a protocol to realign a body that is in fight and flight and thereby in a survival system. This is usually seen in the Moro and Fear reflex.
Cost : £ 80.00
Idiopathic Scoliosis in this protocol can be recognised as an adaptive reactive compensatory muscle imbalance bending the spine . This protocol helps resolve the neurological condition driving the reactive muscles because the body is in a fight-and-flight system. this is most commonly found in the Moro and Fear reflexes. Treating the neurology behind the condition of scoliosis and the spinal distortion is recognised as one of the externally visible symptoms.
Idiopathic scoliosis causes the body to be locked in a certain way causing reactive muscles to oppose each other. We will be taking the body out of this fixed gate, gate one-sided position, by using a protocol to realign the body and get the body out of fight and flight. We will use Neuro Lymphatic points, neuromuscular points and certain massage points. This is quite a complicated protocol, however, it is very very powerful because what is really happening is not that the spine is out of line but that the muscles around the spine are pulling it out of line because they are fixed in a certain gate position. You will notice this with people who always stand with one leg straighter than another and so on. Also, with people whose shoulder seems to drop you will notice it with people continually complaining of shoulder ache or people who seem to have rounded shoulders. Basically, these people are in extreme fight and flight in the body that is locked in this position. By switching the muscles on and off in a correctly coded system the body can get back into it a neutral position and take itself out of this position.