Child Centre Method Module 8


This workshop will 'LOOK' at the link between vision, learning and reflexes. In addition, you will learn to do some simple tests to check that this system is functioning well and you will learn how to address eye issues.

Time : 9.30 to 5pm

Cost : £ 345.00

Module 8 (Eye Balancing)

In order to read and write successfully and easily the mechanical process of reading has to be in place via the visual system. Retained reflexes can affect this system. This workshop will 'LOOK' at the link between vision, learning and reflexes. In addition, you will learn to do some simple tests to check that this system is functioning well and you will learn how to address eye issues.


• Eye Teaming: The ability of both eyes to point at the same object at the same time.

• Binocular: The ability of the eyes and brain to work so that two images fuse as one.

• Eye Tracking: The ability to smoothly follow words on a page or moving objects in space.

• Focusing/Accommodation: The ability to look quickly from distance to near or near to distance without experiencing blurry vision.

• Hand-Eye Coordination: A relationship between visual clues, resulting in accurate, manual, spatial localisation

• Visual Motor Integration: The ability to match visual and motor skills in the brain, such as copying.

• Visual Space Orientation: The ability of the eyes and brain to work together to perceive relative positions of objects in the visual field.


You will also learn about the links between the primitive reflexes and the eyes for example:

Moro Reflex-Eye movement and visual perceptual problems. Light sensitivity, difficulty with black print on white paper, issues with fluorescent lighting.

ATNR reflex- Difficulty crossing the midline. Poor ocular “pursuit” movements, especially at the midline. Poor handwriting and poor expression of ideas on paper. Visual-perceptual problems

Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR)- Difficulties with readjustment of binocular vision (focusing easily from blackboard to desk). Slowness at copying tasks.

Tonic Labyrinthe Reflex- Eye movement, visual perceptual, and spatial problems.


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