How retained primitive reflexes can cause learning and behaviour problems.

Learning behaviour problems can be caused by retained primitive reflexes. The Child Centre Method can help  with a child’s learning and behaviour problems by helping to integrate primitive reflexes. Primitive Reflexes, when not integrated, can cause learning and behavioural problems. These reflexes are programmed, automatic movements, which are wired in a way to promote initial survival at a reflex level. An example is the Moro reflex, which allows a newborn to take its first breath. Most movement is a reflex response to the infant’s head position, but as the head becomes more controlled the reflex reaction becomes in

How do Primitive Reflexes cause learning and behaviour problems?

Primitive reflexes affect a child’s learning and behaviour. Early movements such as rolling, crawling, are essential for development and that natural progression via maturity and movement allows the integration of the reflexes. If children are not allowed to move freely to help their development it can affect the integration of the reflexes and this can cause learning and behavioural problems.

How does sensory-motor processing affect learning and behaviour?

The brain is divided into many areas and each area is connected to each other, and as a whole, to integrate all stimuli to make sense of our world. This is called sensory-motor integration or processing. This allows the ears and eyes, the nerve pathways, and the appropriate sensory areas in the brain to register and interpret the stimuli as quickly, or efficiently, as possible. If there is early stress or lack of opportunity for some children, it can lead to learning, emotional and behavioural problems because the reflexes do not develop according to plan.

How can the Child Centre Method help with learning and behavioural problems such as these?

  • Poor bladder control and /or bedwetting
  • Delayed speech and language disorders
  • Hypersensitivity: both physical and emotional
  • Impulsiveness /aggressive /outbursts and immature behaviour
  • Stress/withdrawal
  • Lack of energy and poor motivation
  • Balance and posture problems
  • Issues at school
  • Difficulty following instructions
  • Learning issues such as reading, writing, maths
  • Organisational difficulties
  • Co-ordination problems and clumsiness
  • Poor concentration /attention/ distractibility

All of these signs and symptoms are suggestive of retained primitive reflexes which leads to sensory overload and this can result in children with learning, emotional and behavioural problems. Primitive reflexes affect the ability to control behaviour and emotions and the build-up of confusion and frustration and learning, emotional, and behavioural problems. Watch this for more information

How can the Child Centre method help with Primitive reflexes and learning and behavioural problems?

The Child Centre Method is a “systematic integrated programme that allows the practitioner to firstly identify the individual challenges that each child/client faces and secondly, to create a unique program for that individual.” By training to use this unique and effective holistic therapy you will be able to help children to integrate primitive reflexes. As a result, the child will be more emotionally stable, calmer, and happier. To find out more click on full course training or book to train to.

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