Archive for Category: In-person workshops

Ho’oponopono Harmonising Introductory Workshop-Burnley

Ho’oponopono Harmonising (HHC)Workshop Are you ready for new beginnings, ideas, ventures, and perspectives? What happens when you want to make the shift but don’t know what next or how? If you are serious about changing ANY aspect of your life, you will leave this workshop with the ‘WHAT’ and the tools to make the ‘HOW’

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Neural Organisation Technique Part 1 ( N.O.T in person) Haworth England

Neural Organisation Technique  N.O.T. helps to organise or reorganise a disorganised central nervous system. This system focuses on prenatal and neonatal neurological development, i.e., our primitive reflex systems. The theory and basis of N.O.T. look at these primitive reflexes as fundamental neurological pathways that can be retained. The aim is to integrate these retained reflexes

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Supervised Practice Weekend

This is a supervised practice weekend to get hands-on help, complete some case studies and get reflexes integrated. Day 1 will include Assessment and testing reflexes. N.O.T 1-8 and CIC. Day 2 will include the Primitive Reflexes Routine including further and OHB. You can choose to do both days or just one

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