The Child Centre Method combines kinesiology, energy medicine and movement to help children achieve their full potential


We are a registered training provider for therapists, teachers and parents in Child Centre Method.

Child Centre Method

The Child Centre Method® Assessment allows the practitioner to build a very clear, neurological and behavioural picture about the child. When this has been completed, a unique treatment plan is created for the child to suit the specific needs of each individual.

Primitive reflexes

Retained Primitive Reflexes are the keys to understanding children’s learning and behaviour issues and are at the heart of The CCM

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The Child Centre Method specialises in integrating primitive reflexes and addressing physical literacy, which is one of the precursors for literacy and for learning problems and underachievement. The Child Centre Method is unique because it identifies the underlying stress and corrects it in a holistic way, that is quicker, then just using developmental exercises on their own.

Our aims are to enable individuals to develop personally and professionally and to use an integrated, holistic method to help children .

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