How kinesiology and the Child Centre Method can help integrate retained primitive reflexes

How Kinesiology and the Child Centre Method  help integrate primitive primitive reflexes?

Kinesiology can help integrate retained primitive reflexes quickly and effectively along with the SIMPLE movement programme. The ability via muscle testing to identify the underlying stress is what makes kinesiology such a powerful tool.

When a child is born, he/she leaves the cushioning and protection of the womb to enter the world where he is hit by an almost overwhelming amount of sensory stimuli. To survive, the infant is equipped with a set of Primitive designed to ensure immediate response to this new environment, its constant stimuli and to his changing needs. These Reflexes cause automatic stereotyped movements, directed from the brain stem and executed without conscious thought processes. They are essential for the baby’s survival, especially in the first few weeks of life, and through the reflexes the infant develops from a helpless, immobile baby, into a walking, running, jumping, talking and upright human being.

What are retained Primitive  Reflexes ?

Sometimes these reflexes do not integrate but continue to affect babies and children beyond the time when their influence is needed. These are known as retained reflexes and are often the cause of difficulties with learning, physical literacy, and behaviour. below are some signs that you might see in some of the retained reflexes.

  • Anxiety, fear of change, physical timidity, visual-perceptual problems, sensitivity to light or sounds, poor stamina, dislike of change or surprise and mood swings can be signs of a retained  Moro reflex.
  • Poor pencil grip, speech difficulties, hypersensitivity to tactile stimulation, mouth moving or tongue out when trying to write or draw can be the result of a retained Palmar reflex.
  • Fidgeting, bedwetting, poor concentration, poor short term memory or poor posture can be the result of a retained Spinal Galant reflex.

Child Centre Method 

All these reflexes and much more can easily be integrated through kinesiology and simple, specific movements provided by the SIMPLE Programme (Sensory Integration Movement Programme for Learning Enhancement). This programme forms part of the training of the Child Centre Method Practitioners. Please see link to take your child to a Child Centre Method Practitioner.

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