Fear in the right amount is important because it help us to survive and protects us from dangerous situations. The problems occur when your child becomes too fearful. The Amygdala part of the brain controls fear and the fight and flight responses. It is constantly monitoring new experiences and its job is to protect us. However, sometimes it can become too vigilant and overprotective and connects too much, as it is connected to memory at an automatic level. It references everything to a memory and can’t tell the difference, for example, between the stress of an exam paper and something to be really fearful about. So fear helps to protect you from danger.

However, sometimes, due to the Moro reflex not being integrated, the Amygdala is overactive and too high alert and causes undue fear. The Child Centre Method can integrate this reflex and bring down this fear to a normal level. The Moro Reflex has a significant impact on fear since the Moro reflex is an automatic survival reflex which develops in the womb and is controlled by the Amygdala. The Moro reflex, a primitive reflex, helps us to survive our early months and should integrate in the early months. For example, it causes the baby to take its first breath. Sometimes when this has not been integrated due to a traumatic birth or early trauma it is too heightened leaving the child in a state of constant stress, red alert and fearful.

How can the Child Centre method help?

The Child Centre Method is a “systematic integrated programme that allows the practitioner to firstly identify the individual challenges that each child/client faces and secondly, to create a unique program for that individual.” By training to use this unique and effective holistic therapy you will be able to help children to integrate primitive reflexes. As a result, the child will be more emotionally stable, calmer, and happier. To find out more click on full course training  or book to train to.

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